The Western Diocese was founded in 1992, through the decision of the General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia to church divided into two dioceses; the Eastern and the Western diocese.

The western Diocese led by the followings: Bishop Dr Kleopas Dumeni, (1996-2000); Bishop Appollos Kaulinge (2000-2004); Bishop Dr Tomas Shivute,(2004 – 2012) Bishop Josafat Shanghala (2012 – 2014) Bishop Dr. Veikko Munyika (2014 – 2021, and currently (2021) the Western Diocese led by the Moderator Dr Gideon Niitenge, who was an Executive Secretary.  The current (2022) Executive Secretary is Rev Likius Nambili Namutewa.

The diocesan population is currently estimated at  over 400 000, forty five per cent (45%) classified under the youth bracket. The female population is higher (70%) than the thirty per cent (30%)  of male mainly in the older age group. The population of the diocese is both mixed rural and urban.


A Christ centred diocese where peace and justice prevails


The Western Diocese is committed to proclaiming the comprehensive salvation of Jesus. Christ, holistically to all people through exemplary living, preaching, teaching, advocacy and provision of essential social services.

Tel /fax 250014/ 088 627 277

P.O. Box 674 Outapi
